Social Justice and Equity

SPIA’s overall mission is to partner with students, communities, and governments to inspire innovative ideas and action, build trust and engagement in democratic governance nationally and globally, and champion the pursuit of human progress centered on equity and justice. The MPA – Social Justice program in particular centers social justice and equity in all of our coursework, from budgeting to management, human resources to policy analysis.

  • Social Justice is the active commitment to fairness, justice, and equality in public policy, service delivery, and management of public institutions
  • Social Equity is a habit of mind for the decision maker, and it is an administrative goal that can be measured. It is also a lens through which needs are identified and processes are grounded d

Watch these short videos for an idea of what we mean by social justice and equity:

After you’ve watched the videos, ask yourself:

Looking for more information? Follow these links:

Check out this chapter from Mary Guy and Sean McCandless’ book Achieving Social Equity: From Problems to Solutions.